Fleet endless space 2 guide reddit
Fleet endless space 2 guide reddit

fleet endless space 2 guide reddit
  1. Fleet endless space 2 guide reddit mod#
  2. Fleet endless space 2 guide reddit upgrade#

Fleet endless space 2 guide reddit upgrade#

They have innate abilities that allow them to upgrade their directed energy weapons attempt to render the targeted subsystem offline temporarily. Science Vessels are versatile starships that perform well in all areas of space combat.

  • 7.4 Son'a Collector Science Dreadnought.
  • fleet endless space 2 guide reddit

    7.1 Cardassian Intel Science Dreadnought.4 Romulan Republic Warbird Science Vessels.2.24 Fleet Long Range Science Vessel Retrofit.2.23 Fleet Advanced Research Vessel Retrofit.2.21 Fleet Reconnaissance Science Vessel.2.19 Fleet Research Science Vessel Retrofit.2.18 Mirror Universe Science Vessel Retrofit.2.15 Long Range Science Vessel Retrofit.2.11 Mirror Universe Deep Space Science Vessel.2.9 Mirror Universe Reconnaissance Science Vessel.And all factions can go for an economic victory by building trade companies reasonably soon, building trade subsidiaries far from your trade companies, investing in dust freighters, and (obviously) building a lot of dust improvements in the systems with the biggest population. It's worth it, since your population effects are quite big.Īll factions can go for a military victory, and that's generally the fastest way to win in a medium galaxy or smaller, as long as you have a good understanding of the combat system. Buy it from the marketplace, if you have to. My last tip is make sure you are using a luxury resource in order to double your population effects. If you can't get a Seeker hero, then get a Sophon, Vodyani, or Hissho hero because they have a racial trait that boosts fleet movement. Later on, you should choose a Seeker hero to be your fleet admiral. After you defeat those pirates, I would always assign the hero to govern your home system. I often avoid systems that have one of those planet types, even if they're 4 planets on 1 system, which I would consider to be a large system.Īt the beginning, your faction quest tell you to defeat some pirates and you can do that with your initial Explorer ship, 2 Leechers (upgraded with a weapon module), and your hero. And be very careful when you decide to research the colonization techs for Lava, Barren, and Toxic because they have very low approval values and can severely reduce your empire approval. Your first research should always be Xenolinguistics so you can build Xeno-Industrial Infrastructure. I always make a new blueprint for every Ark I create and I re-write my system name based on the specialization of my Ark if it's Essence then I'll put in "E" at the end, if it's Industry then I'll put an "I" at the end, and so on. I wrote this on my playthrough with the Vodyani, but I'll copy it here: I'm currently trying economic victory, I wonder if I can make it faster than science victory. My goal is, for like 80% of the game to maximise essence production via arks (radioactive essence tech, for instance, is important) and re-spec my arks on the last 20% toward science (or anything else). Research one military tech (one more essence slot). Research 2 of the economic techs : the goal is to go for lvl 2 arks (more essence slots) + access market to buy the population boost resource for Vodyani (usually isn't one you access easily) Kill the rebels ships (doable with the starting explo ship + hero) Redesign my explo ship with energy weaponĪdd the hero and redesign its ship with energyįind a minor and leech it (key to developpement) Whatever the victory condition I go for (often science around turn 100-110), I always start with the following :

    Fleet endless space 2 guide reddit mod#

    Note that I do play with the esg mod to balance the game, mostly solo or with 1-2 friends and we often do not attack each other -> my advice might not pvp relevant :) I guess that there are lots of ways to play Vodyani, my fav faction !

    Fleet endless space 2 guide reddit